Prayer Requests
Parish Priest 911 is a prayer-movement set up specifically for your own parish Priest to ensure that someone is praying and sacrificing EVERY DAY for their sanctification, protection and great moral courage. This will build an impenetrable wall of protection. We lock arms around our Parish Priest with our united intentional efforts of sacrificial love for him who has given his life to Christ in order to bring Christ to us!!!
We invite you to join us in this mission through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, under the mantle of our Blessed Mother Mary. For more information, please contact Catherine Elliott at or call her at 608-513-0343.
Please pray for these people in our parish and community
(alphabetical by first name)
Please let the office know when someone no longer needs to be on this list.
Alice Maki
Amy Roy
Anita McEwen
Arlene Kemppainen
Barb Edwards
Barb Lusty
Bayside Village Staff and Residents
Bernie Weissman
Beth Allen
Bev Mayo
Bill Joki
Bill Sikkila
BK Fish
Blanche Lantz
Bob Koskinen
Bobbie Owen
Bonnie Froberg
Brenda Maki
Brenda Velmer
Carol Eilola
Carol Lee Jestila
Cassie Pulsiphe
Cadeau Family
Cecelia Chosa
Cecelia Owens
Chad Roy
Cheryl Marinich
Christa Hubbard
Christine Bailey-Higdem
Colleen Bishop
Dan Danaher
Dan Goulet
Denise Giddings
Denise Hiltunen
Dolly Ericson
Doreen Leinonen
Doris Johnson
Eddie Clements
Elisha Kitchen
Howard Soli
Isabel Showler
Jacque Velmer
Janet Roberts
Jeanette Wirtz
Jeanie Schultz
Jeannie K.
Jeanne Lahti
Jerry Clisch
Jerry Dompier
Jessica Tollefson
Jim Haun
JoDean Lindemann
Joel Massie
John Juntunen
Jordanne Pekkala
Joyce Hoskins
Julia Anderson
Justin Koupus
Kathy Danielson
Kathy Donovan
Kathy Kissel
Kay Gribble
Ken Gartland
Ken Soli
Kevin Perrault
Kip Cole
Linda Hutala
Linda Schwab
Louie Roy
Louis McRae
Lyle Verbanac
Madeline Cieslinski
Madison Sterbenz
Margaret Ellenich
Magaret McDonald
Mari Sue Rusha
Mary Jane (Clements) Quass
Melinda Cieslinski
Michael Jacobus
Michael Wagner
Nick Cardenas
Norman Pritchard
Olivia Koski
Pat Kaas
Pat Marinich
Patricia Knoll
Patricia Velmer
Pat Rudebeck
Phoebe Grace
Phyllis LeBranch Cossette
Richard Velmer
Rich Wickstrom
Rita Hoffman
Sandra Davis
Sue Sullivan
Timothy James McIntyre
Tom Kinnunen
Trista Francois
Trudy Matthews
Please pray for the souls of people in our parishes who passed away within the last year
Bettie Jaenig 3/22/24
Corbin Crittenden 11/27/24
Dan Verbanac 7/27/24
Delores Schneider 2/21/24
Janine Barrett 10/15/24
Jerry Bugni 10/7/24
Joanne Stiglich 10/8/24
Kenneth Loonsfoot 12/2/24
Kim Fortier 6/20/24
Mary Cadeau 6/24/24
Mike Hickey 4/21/24
Mike Mleko 2024
Monica Griffin 7/10/24
Molly Loonsfoot 9/27/24
Nancy McIntyre 2/5/24
Fr. Philip Naessens 8/17/24
Robert Velmer 6/08/24
Roland Clisch 7/13/24
Shantell Ekdahl 3/23/24
Shelly Mili 8/17/24
Stanley LaFernier 1/3/25
Steven Cotter 5/16/24
Tom Ross 2/6/24
Please pray for the deceased priests and deacons whose anniversary of their death is in these weeks:
Week of January 26: Fr. Schneider, Fr. Ignatz, Fr. Mercier, Fr. Jani, Fr. Blin, Fr. Dunleavy, Fr. La Motte, Msgr. Seifert
Week of February 2: Bishop Vertin, Fr. Coignard, Fr. Challancin, Fr. Menapace, Fr. Clisch, Msgr. Raymond, Fr. Kichak, Fr. Gagnieur, Fr. Przybylski
Week of February 9: Msgr. Bucholtz, Fr. Marceau, Fr. Rhoades, Deacon Chaltry, Fr. Swoboda, Fr. Freiburger