
 Below is a list of ministries available in our three churches.  If you are interested in joining any of these, please call the parish office.

Altar Servers

Servers assist the priest at Mass

Bringing young Catholics, grades 6 and up, together for the purpose of furthering their spiritual journey in faith.  Through song and worship, as well as community outreach projects, our young people learn the value of youth ministry.  A variety of activities is planned for these young people. 

Building and Grounds

Inspects and recommends to the Pastor and Parish Council what maintenance needs to be done on the church building and grounds.  They try to find volunteers to do other necessary work.  They evaluate all construction and maintenance projects. 

Church Decorating

Helps to maintain the decorations, arrange any flowers for the holidays and set up the proper liturgical colors. 

Collection Counting

Counts and records the weekly collection.  Teams alternate weeks so they count only once per month.

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers share the body and Blood of Christ with the faithful 


Promotes the Good News of Jesus throughout the parish by various means 

Faith Formation

Teaches all parish members about the Catholic faith

Finance Councils

Oversees the finances of the Church 

Fellowship Sunday Social

Encourages members to gather as a community to visit and to become acquainted with new members and/or visitors. 

Funeral Help

Solicits, prepares, and helps to prepare food and clean up for funerals. 

Funeral Servers

Assists the priest at funeral Masses.

Homebound Ministry

Brings Communion to those who cannot attend regular Mass. 

Knights of Columbus

Catholic Christian men who support the faith/work of the church. 

Ladies Groups

Each of our parishes has an organization for all parish women whose function is to support the parish by raising funds for the care, upkeep and additions to the interior of the churches.  Sacred Heart Auxiliary, St. Ann Ladies Guild, Holy name Women's Circle.


Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass. 

Livestream Ministry

Eugenio Callejas heads up a group who run the livestream each Sunday for the 10:00 am Mass at Sacred Heart.  The group includes Sammy and Francisco Callejas, and Wolf Norgren.

Liturgical Ministries

Eucharistic Ministers share the body and Blood of Christ with the faithful.  Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass.  Servers assist the priest at Mass.


Organists, singers and musicians who provide instrumental and vocal music at Mass and other occasions.   

Parish Pastoral Councils

Assists pastor in fulfilling parish mission. 

Prayer and Praise

The Two Hearts Prayer Group meets every Monday night at 7:00 pm.  Everyone is welcome.

R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Meets with non-Catholic people who want to learn more about the Catholic faith. 


Cares for the vestments, altar cloths, and sacramentals needed for the celebration of Mass.

St. Vincent de Paul

A non-denominational group that serves the needs of the less fortunate in Baraga County.


Serves in developing the time, talent and treasure in the parish. 


Welcomes, guides, collects offerings, and distributes bulletins at Mass