For Your Information
Parish Priest 911 is a prayer-movement set up specifically for your own parish Priest to ensure that someone is praying and sacrificing EVERY DAY for their sanctification, protection and great moral courage. This will build an impenetrable wall of protection. We lock arms around our Parish Priest with our united intentional efforts of sacrificial love for him who has given his life to Christ in order to bring Christ to us!!!
We invite you to join us in this mission through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, under the mantle of our Blessed Mother Mary. Sign up sheets are in the entrance of each parish. If you have already signed up, thank you. If not, please respond to this call to action on behalf of Fr. Jins.
Job opening: BCCC is looking for a Music Coordinator as Maddy Lusty is moving out of the area. If you have the ability to organize a group and have some musical knowledge, this is a good job for you. This is a part time position; compensation will be based on experience. Please contact the parish office for more information.
Gentlemen, please join us for the January Catholic Man Night, Monday January 20, starting at 6:30PM at the Keweenaw Brewing Company taproom in Houghton, near the fireplace. We get Catholic guys together a couple times each month to foster fraternity, to build an essential Catholic community, and to grow in the spiritual life as Catholic men. We hope to see you there!
The Annual Bishop Baraga Snowshoe Event will be held on Saturday, January 25, starting at 10:00 am at Holy Name. After the walk, Nancy Haun will be making a presentation on Bishop Baraga in the church basement. Hot dogs and hot chocolate will be available.
The Holy Name Ladies Circle will be hosting a potluck luncheon after Mass on Sunday, January 26. All are welcome.
Men and women, young and old, strengthen and grow in your faith for your families with five short videos produced by the Knights of Columbus called the “Mission of The Family.” The videos can be found on the Knights of Columbus website for free! Here is the link to find “The Mission of The Family” videos: . The five videos are less than 14 minutes in length. You can also find the original “Into The Breach” video series by rolling down on this webpage and under CATEGORIES click on “Into The Breach.” This series is also free of charge and is sure to help you grow in your faith.
Join Fr. Gracious Pulimoottil and others on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje/ Montenegro on April 2l – May 2, 2025. Only $3595.00, $3795.00 After March 1. Includes: transportation, meals, hotel, guides, daily Mass, Our Lady of the Rocks, Dubrovnik, much more. CALL: Therese @The Greatest Gift (920)676-5683,
The Diocese of Marquette is hosting the 2025 ALL MICHIGAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC CONFERENCE! Join all seven dioceses of the State of Michigan, February 14-26, 2025, at the Terrace Bay Hotel in Gladstone. Together in praise and worship, healing, adoration, and liturgy, be filled with love and renewed in Spirit. Conference registration fee is $85 per person plus processing. Credit cards payments can be made at Checks may be made payable and mailed to AMCCC, 4283 Oakridge Dr NW, Walker, MI 49534. For more information, go to, or email, or leave a message at (517) 372-6222. Reservations for rooms at the conference hotel may be made at 906-786-7554 or at Reserve early for the best rates and use Code AMCCC for a 10% discount on your choice of room!
The Diocese of Marquette presents a “Rolling” Retreat/Pilgrimage to Catholic Shrines of the Midwest from April 29 to May 1, 2025. Join Spiritual Director Fr. Corey Litzner and travel hosts Dcn. Steve & Jackie Gretzinger on an amazing motorcoach journey to visit Catholic Shrines in Wisconsin and upper Illinois. Pilgrimage starts/ends at Holy Spirit Church in Menominee. $995.00 pp dbl occupancy. Includes round-trip motorcoach travel, 2 nights lodging, 3 meals, entrance fees. Deposit due Feb. 1st. For full itinerary and/or reservations, contact: Megan at Peter’s Way Pilgrimages 516-605-1551 x 18/
BESSETTE SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS. Looking for financial assistance with your college education? Applications are now being accepted for the 2025 Bibianne Bessette Scholarship Fund. The scholarships aid graduating high school seniors who are pursuing a college or vocational education at an accredited degree-granting institution. Consideration is based on academic achievement. Applicants must complete the online application found at and either mail an Official Transcript and ACT/SAT scores (via postal mail) to Bessette Scholarship Fund, Diocese of Marquette, 1004 Harbor Hills Drive, Marquette, MI 49855 or email transcripts to Irene McCauley at Applications must be received no later than March 15, 2025.
ST. Vincent de Paul, Sacred Heart Conference, is still in need of volunteers at the store and help office. Last year 239 families received food, for a total of 590 people. Office contacts for the past quarter not counting food were 104 people. Assistance was given for Utilities, Medical, Travel Assistance; Rent, & Homeless. Please consider volunteering, the job is big, but the benefits are great.
All three of our parishes are in need of additional lectors, extraordinary ministers of communion, ushers, and greeters. If you have any interest in any of these opportunities to serve our parishes, please contact the parish office.
Every Friday at 12 noon there is Benediction followed by the Rosary at Sacred Heart. Everyone is welcome to join the dedicated group of people who are praying every week.
For Your Information
Catholic Women and Couple NFP, Free National Family Planning Instruction by Certified NFP Teachers. Call 888-899-8884 or go to their website at
WNOA RADIO AVAILABLE ONLINE — WNOA Radio Northern Apostle Radio is an Upper Peninsula Catholic radio station that can be heard in the Marquette area on 103.9 FM. Outside the Marquette area, listening is available by livestream on your computer or by app. WNOA would like to promote the Catholic radio station in all our Catholic churches around the U.P.The Showshoe Priest childrens’ book details the life and labors of Bishop Baraga, outlining his life, with real-life events, history and stories. Copies are available at the Baraga Educational Center and Museum, or online on the Baraga Store at
The Snowshoe Priest is written by local Marquette author, Elizabeth Fust, with illustrations created by Olivia Theut, also a Yooper. This book was donated in kindness to the Bishop Baraga Association by Elizabeth Fust and Olivia Theut. Follow Elizabeth Fust on Instagram and Facebook at @elizabethfustbooks.
A library has been established in the St. Maria Goretti Room (formerly known as the Green Room) at Sacred Heart. These books were in the Parish Office and are now available. All parishioners from all three parishes are invited to stop by to check out books. Some are free to take and keep and some are for loan.
The largest program in the world offering healing after abortion is Rachel's Vineyard, a ministry of Priests for Life. This organization offers a thousand weekend retreats per year, as well as individual follow-up. Go to their website to find a referral nearby or for more information:
From Bishop Baraga Association: We have a new feature on our website, You can show your support for Bishop Baraga's Canonization by praying the Prayer for Canonization which can be found on the home page of our website. Select the image that says Prayer for Canonization. Once you are finished praying, select the blue pray button. Your prayer will be added to the count below the Amen. This is a great way to demonstrate to Rome the support for Bishop Baraga's Cause for Sainthood.
CathFamily is an online database of prayers, activities, recipes and articles celebrating Catholic culture. Used extensively by parents, teachers and catechists, it equips them with ideas and resources to assist in passing on the faith to the next generation. Go to
MyParishNFP ( is Couple to Couple League's new website for parishes to find classes about Natural Family Planning and Fertility easily online. CCL's NFP Pre-Cana Certificate Class - English: Engaged couples can learn the Sympto-Thermal Method of NFP with the guidance of Couple to Couple League's teaching couples. We have onsite and online options that are both LIVE or self-paced. at
Pilgrimages to the Holy Land, France, Greece and Turkey: Call 800-225-7662 or email for more info.
The One Bread, One Body booklets, which provide teachings on the daily eucharistic readings, are funded by our Legacy of Faith Grant. They are available in the entrances of each parish every two months. Please take your copy and enjoy these daily inspirational readings.
The Upper Hand Health and Community Resources website is a site built to connect people to resources that serve our community to improve health and well-being. provides a searchable digital database of local, regional, and state services and how to access them. You can also find general information about health insurance, mental health, 211, and accessing programs through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS).
Raise Hope and Foster Dreams. When a family is struggling, they need to know they can rely on the generous help and support of others who will take of their kids while they get back on their feet. Become a foster parent. Call Jennifer Gransell at 906-290-1842 or emal her at
Our SVdP Food Pantry is well stocked and open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 1pm-3pm. If you know anyone in need of food, tell them to come see us. We do have a limited supply of baby formula and baby food to give as well. Some prayer cards, medals, rosary beads, pamphlets, etc. were donated if you're in need of some spiritual food. Stop in or call us at (906) 524-7001.
From Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly: Despite our best efforts, it is not feasible for LBFE to continue the Mustang Sweepstakes fundraiser. However, we have a renewed determination to ensure that elders in our community can get to critical health appointments. As a result, we are redirecting our staff and volunteer energies to Drive to Care - a Volunteer Engagement Campaign, and seeking donations to support this important effort. Help us help people by donating to our medical transportation program online.
If you would like a hymnal memorial, please fill out one of the forms in the entrance of the church. You can put the form and your donation in an envelope and put it in the offering. We will put a gold sticker in the front of a hymnal with your memorial.
Our Diocese has purchased an app called FLOCKNOTE. It's a way to communicate with our parishioners, through email or text. The app is associated with Bishop Barron's Word on Fire and Matthew Kelly's Dynamic Catholic. The term Flocknote comes from shepherding our flock, for Christ.
Any questions, please call Karen at the Parish Office, 906-524-6424.
If you would like to join in this exciting way to communicate with Baraga County Catholic Community, there are two options:
Text 'BCCC' to 84576. You will receive a text back with a link to click on to complete the process
Fill out this form and click on 'Sign Me Up'