The Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, also called Eucharistic Adoration, is a Catholic practice of praying and worshipping Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ, which is made visible as bread and wine.
What happens during Adoration?
People pray and reflect on the Eucharist
People may read scripture or pray the rosary
People may ask God for forgiveness, guidance, or answers
People may give thanks to God
People may converse with God through journaling or spontaneous prayer
Where does Adoration take place?
Adoration can take place in a chapel or church
The Eucharist may be exposed in a monstrance on the altar
The Eucharist may be reserved in a tabernacle
What is the etiquette for Adoration?
People may genuflect or bow before the Blessed Sacrament
People may not place anything on the altar
People may not touch the monstrance
People may not bring food or drink
Noon to 6:00 pm at Most Holy Name of Jesus, Assinins
Contact: Agatha Cardinal 906-201-4871
Tuesday - Wednesday
6:00 pm to 11 pm Tuesday at St. Ann's Church, Baraga
6:00 am to 5:00 pm Wednesday at St. Ann's Church, Baraga
Contact: Sue Massie 906-353-6349
Thursday - Friday
5:00 am Thursday to 1:00 pm Friday at Sacred Heart of Jesus, L'Anse
First Friday and First Saturday: 1:00 pm Friday to 8:30 am Saturday, Sacred Heart
Contact Jacque Velmer 906-524-5307 or 906-201-4720
If you have questions or want to sign up, please call one of the contacts above.